1. hashes in perl
2. hash references and how to use them
3. file handler passing to a subroutines....
Here is an example.....
use warnings;
use strict;
my $n_ref;
my $p_ref;
open(NAME, "./tns_names") or die " Failed to open tns_names file : $! \n ";
open(PASS, "./tns_pass") or die " Failed to open tns_pass file : $! \n ";
$n_ref = &process_names(*NAME);
$p_ref = &process_pass(*PASS);
&do_final($n_ref, $p_ref);
close NAME;
close PASS;
sub process_names($)
local *h = shift;
my %n;
my $nkey;
my $nval;
chomp $_;
($nkey, $nval) = split(/,/, $_);
$n{$nkey} = $nval;
return \%n;
sub process_pass($)
local *h = shift;
my %p;
my $pkey;
my $pval;
chomp $_;
($pkey, $pval) = split(/,/, $_);
$p{$pkey} = $pval;
return \%p;
sub do_final(@)
my ($nam, $pas) = @_;
my $akey;
foreach $akey (keys %$nam)
print 'Key :' . $akey . ' and Value: ' . $nam->{$akey} . "\n";
foreach $akey (keys %$pas)
print 'Key :' . $akey . ' and Value: ' . $pas->{$akey} . "\n";
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